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Yes, because the certificate is valid for only one shipment.
A single Certificate of Origin can only be used once to export products.
Yes, the maximum period is 180 days from the date of issuance.
The Certificate of Origin from the Ministry of Economy is exempted from customs duties, whereas the certificate issued by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry is not exempted from customs duties.
Yes, but the factory must be registered with the Ministry of Economy, and the customer must attach two invoices the factory invoice itself and the customer’s purchase invoice from the factory.
To register a new patent, submit your online application via the website of the Ministry of Economy. Fill out the application and attach the required files mentioned in the service card, in addition to paying the required amount.
The International Centre for Patent Registration (ICPR) under the Ministry of Economy is the responsible authority for patent registration in the UAE.
Go to
Register on the site.
Go to Patents and Industrial Designs under e-Services.
Fill out the application forms. Completed applications shall be attached in both Arabic and English, together with all technical and legal documents.
Formal review and initial formal inspection of the submitted documents
An approval letter is sent to proceed with the next step
Pay the required application fees for individuals and companies
Attached Copy
Passport and ID copy
Passport and Emirates ID Copy
Agency Authorisation Letter Copy
Other Attachments
Trade License Copy
Authorisation Document Copy
Passport Copy
Proof of the author or right owner
Trade license Copy
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Register on the site.
Go to Material Copyright Registration under e-Services.
Fill out the application.
Submit/upload documents.
Process payment.
Review of application
Download certification upon approval.
Original registry/renewal certificate in the Ministry’s registry
A true copy of the license of pertinent authorities of the emirate
Annual Financial Statement of the branch
An official certificate by the pertinent authorities of the country indicating the name, legal status and the activities (to be submitted every 3 years)
If the local agent is a non-natural person, a true copy of the license of pertinent authorities of the Emirate shall be attached
Other Attachments
Trade name reservation certificate and initial approval of local pertinent authority identifying the activities
Initial approval of local pertinent authority identifying the activities
An official certificate by the pertinent authority of the country where the mother facility is registered, indicating name and date of facility, legal status, capital, business activities, and names of the facility’s owners
A resolution by the mother foreign facility to open a branch or an office to execute business in the UAE
Authorisation for the representatives
True copy of the agency contract between the mother facility and local agent
True copy of the local agent’s family registration card or identity card in case of a natural person or an owner of an individual establishment. However, in the case of a non-natural agent a true copy of the license of pertinent authorities of the Emirate and registration certificate in commercial registry must be attached.
Other Attachments
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Click on the username. From the menu, select Change Password.
Enter the old and the new password and click on Change Password.
Please contact the technical support by email at and explain the issue or the error messages that appear.
You can make a complaint by calling the hotline 600-522225 or visiting the nearest Customer Service Centre (Consumer Protection Counter).
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The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international economic organisation with legal powers derived from its founding convention, which allows it to regulate trade between its members, provide a forum for them to negotiate trade rules and agreements and provide them with a mechanism to solve their trade disputes.
Raise standards of living.
Ensure full employment and a large and steadily growing volume of real income and effective demand.
Expand the production of and trade in goods and services.
Utilise available global resources optimally in accordance with development plans, and to protect and preserve the environment in line with the requirements of global economic development.
Activate positive efforts to ensure that developing countries and the least developed countries have a good share of the high growth rates of international trade and to benefit from the accompanying financial returns in financing their economic and social development projects.
The UAE joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1996 to support its participation in international trade and ensure the use of new opportunities offered by the new international trading system.
This membership has seen major positive impacts on the UAE’s economy, for example, but not limited to, the gradual reduction of customs duties imposed on regional and global exports, ensuring the transparency of procedures and measures taken regarding exports as well as predictability in the markets of other countries. The UAE is also involved in the decision-making process in the organisation that governs global trade through the rules that are established in multilateral trade agreements. Most importantly, all member states are subject to a unique dispute settlement system in the event of any violations of the obligations of any state that affects another state, which leads to preserving the interests of all member states as well as the right to resort to this system in the event of any problems that the state’s exports may face, in line with the obligations of the organisation’s member states. Moreover, in 2003 the UAE submitted a proposal to reduce or eliminate tariffs and non-tariff measures in the context of the current negotiations on market access for industrial products, and participated in many initiatives and negotiations individually or through various groups. The most important of them are the Agreement on Trade Facilitation, and the E-commerce Initiative that launched negotiations on e-commerce, so that it can be legalised within the framework of the multilateral trading system and set global controls for it.